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How is the process of buying an android game with source code?

  • Signing a purchase contract:
    The process begins with the buyer and developer signing a purchase contract with This document outlines the terms and conditions of the transaction, including payment details, delivery of the source code, and any other relevant information.
  • Appwill receives 100% of the payment from the buyer:
    Once the contracts is signed, the buyer makes the payment for the Android game with source code through Appwill. Appwill receives the full payment on behalf of the developer.
  • Developer transmits the game on Google Play to the buyer:
    The developer initiates the process of transferring the game to the buyer’s Google Play account. This involves providing access to the game on the platform.
  • First payment to the developer:
    Appwill transfers the first installment of the payment to the developer. This may be a predetermined percentage of the total amount agreed upon in the purchase contract.
  • Buyer confirms everything is okay:
    The buyer reviews the game on Google Play and confirms that everything is satisfactory. This may involve checking the functionality, features, and ensuring that the source code is as expected.
  • Developer receives confirmation:
    Once the buyer confirms their satisfaction, the developer is notified that the buyer has approved the game on Google Play.
  • Developer sends the source code to the buyer:
    With confirmation from the buyer, the developer releases the source code of the game to the buyer. This is typically done through a secure and agreed-upon method of file transfer.
  • Developer receives the final payment:
    After the source code is successfully transmitted and verified by the buyer, Appwill transfers the remaining amount of money to the developer as per the terms outlined in the purchase contract.
  • Appwill receives commission:
    Finally, Appwill deducts its commission from the total payment received before transferring the funds to the developer.

How do we estimate the price of an android game?

Estimating the price of an Android game involves considering two key factors: the revenue generated through in-game ads and In app purchases. Let’s break it down:

  • Android Games Ads Revenue:
    Revenue from in-game ads significantly boosts the total income of mobile games.Evaluate the in-game ads’ potential by considering factors such as game genre, target audience, and engagement levels.Explore the option of strategically placing ads to maximize revenue without compromising the user experience.
  • In app purchases:
    The integration of in-app purchases introduces an additional avenue for revenue generation.Strategically devise and incorporate appealing in-game purchase features to enrich the player experience and stimulate in-game expenditures.Consider the value proposition of in-app purchases in relation to the overall gaming experience.
  • Net Profit of the Android Game:
    Net profit is determined by subtracting total expenses from the total revenue generated by the Android game. This includes costs associated with marketing, maintenance, and any other operational expenses. The net profit represents the financial gain or loss after accounting for all the costs incurred in maintaining the game.

In conclusion, the pricing strategy for an Android game involves a meticulous evaluation of both in-game ads revenue and in-app purchases. By strategically placing ads and implementing enticing in-app purchases, developers can maximize revenue without compromising user experience. The careful consideration of the value proposition of in-app purchases ensures a fair and competitive pricing model, providing transparency and value for both developers and players alike.

Criteria for Selecting Templates for Google Play Games for Sale

    • Genre Suitability:

Choose a template aligned with popular and profitable game genres.

Analyze market trends to identify in-demand genres.

    • Monetization Options:

Ensure the template supports diverse monetization methods (ads, in-app purchases, subscriptions).

Look for flexibility to integrate various ad networks and payment gateways.

    • Scalability and Customization:

Select a template that allows easy scaling and customization.

Ensure it supports updates, new features, and modifications.

    • Performance Optimization:

Opt for templates with optimized performance for a smooth gaming experience.

Consider compatibility with a range of devices and screen sizes.

    • User Engagement Features:

Look for built-in features that enhance user engagement (leaderboards, achievements, social media integration).

Templates with retention mechanisms like daily rewards can be beneficial.

    • Community and Support:

Ensure the chosen template has an engaged and supportive community with accessible forums for assistance and discussions.

Assess the availability of documentation and tutorials for easy understanding.

    • Graphics and UI/UX:

Choose a template with appealing graphics and a user-friendly interface.

Ensure compatibility with various resolutions and aspect ratios.

    • Cross-Platform Compatibility:

Choose templates that enable deployment across multiple platforms, such as Android and potentially iOS.

Consider frameworks that facilitate multi-platform development.

    • Legal Considerations:

Ensure the template complies with legal requirements and licenses.

    • Marketplace Integration:

Check if the template seamlessly integrates with app marketplaces (Google Play Store).

Verify compliance with marketplace guidelines.

Assessing these criteria will empower you to make a well-informed decision when choosing an Android game template that aligns with your income-generation objectives.

Apple vs Android game revenue

Apple’s App Store and Google Play are the primary marketplaces for iOS and Android applications, respectively. Here’s a brief overview:

Apple App Store:

Managed by Apple Inc.

Typically considered more profitable for developers due to a user base with a higher willingness to pay for apps and in-app purchases.

Strict app review process ensures a higher level of quality control, but it can lead to longer approval times.

Google Play Store:

Operated by Google.

Has a larger user base globally, but users tend to spend less on apps compared to iOS users.

A more lenient app review process results in faster app approvals.

Key Points:

    • Revenue Share:

Apple usually takes a 30% cut of app sales and in-app purchases, while Google takes 30% for app sales but reduces the cut to 15% for subscription services after the first year.

    • User Spending Habits:

iOS users often spend more on apps and in-app purchases compared to Android users.

    • Market Share:

Android has a higher market share in terms of the number of devices, but iOS tends to lead in terms of revenue generation.

    • Development Considerations:

Android’s diverse devices and user preferences require careful consideration. Developers must meticulously optimize their creations for various screen sizes, resolutions, and hardware specifications.

Navigating the intricacies of the Android ecosystem ensures your game not only meets technical standards but also engages players seamlessly across a wide range of devices.

In conclusion, the choice between Android and iOS for app development boils down to a careful consideration of priorities. While the Apple App Store is often perceived as more profitable due to its user base’s higher willingness to spend, the Google Play Store boasts a larger global user base. Developers need to weigh factors such as revenue goals, market share, and user spending habits.

If maximizing revenue is a top priority and a more affluent user base aligns with your target audience, iOS might be the preferred platform. On the other hand, if reaching a broader audience with potentially higher download numbers is crucial, Android’s larger market share may be more appealing.

Strategies for generating income from an Android game.

  1. ASO Optimization (App Store Optimization): 
    Improve the visibility of your game on app stores by optimizing keywords, graphics, and descriptions to attract more organic downloads.
  2. Content Expansion:
    Continue developing new levels, features, and in-app content to keep existing players engaged and attract new ones. Regular updates can boost user retention and attract positive reviews.
  3. Platform Expansion:
    • iOS Porting: Extend your game’s reach by porting it to iOS to tap into the Apple user base.
    • Web Portals: Explore partnerships with popular gaming portals like Crazy Games to reach a broader online gaming audience.
  4. Revenue Mediation:
    • Ad Revenue: Implement ad mediation platforms like AdMob or AppsFlyer to maximize ad revenue by choosing the most profitable ads.
    • In-App Purchases: Strategically integrate in-app purchases for virtual goods, power-ups, or exclusive content to boost revenue from engaged users.

Remember to analyze user feedback, monitor key performance indicators (KPIs), and adapt your strategy based on user preferences and market trends for continued success.